![]() |
Generated by Copilot |
System Action-> The CLOSE request is rejected.
Response-> Contact Sterling Commerce, Inc. with the
pertinent details. :
:short.text=Signoff complete while ESF was active.:
:long.text=No service routine in either the Interactive or Nucleus C->D
environment has set the message id within the General Function
Control Block to a value other than that set upon entry to
Interactive Connection Services.
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal processing continues.
:short.text=Function not allowed - user not logged on.:
:long.text=The user has attempted a Connect->Direct function prior to
successfully signing on.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Unable to signon to C->D.:
:long.text=Signon attempt refused or a VTAM definition is invalid.
SYSTEM ACTION->Signon attempt is refused.
If problem still occurs, probable causes are-> Max number
of users limit has been reached (INIT parm MAXUSERS);
C->D DTF was in the process of being stopped; VTAM MODETAB
entry is incorrectly defined - this includes other VTAM
definitions pointed to by MODETAB (for example, make sure
the COS table pointed to by MODETAB points to the correct
Virtual route table).
Probably will see VTAM sense code 08610000 in VTAM log. :
:short.text=Interactive user has been logged off.:
:long.text=The interactive user has been logged off because the C->D
system has been stopped, the user has signed off, the
maximum number of users specified in the C->D initialization
parameters has been exceeded, or the user profile has been
deleted from the Authorization Data Set.
RESPONSE->The interactive user should SIGNOFF.
:short.text=Unable to log on to C->D. RU size error.:
:long.text=RU size in the LogMode entry is invalid.
System Action-> Signon attempt is refused.
Response-> Correct the RU size specification in the LogMode
table entry then retry.
:short.text=Unable to log on to C->D. GENCB RPL error.:
:long.text=An error occured trying to gen an RPL in the SCIP exit.
System Action-> Signon attempt is refused.
Response-> Retry. If problem still occurs, contact
Sterling Commerce, Inc.
:short.text=Unable to log on to C->D. OPNSEC error.:
System Action-> Signon attempt is refused.
Response-> Retry. If problem still occurs, contact
Sterling Commerce, Inc.
:short.text=Error on put from TDEXIT.:
Put process terminated
Response-> Retry. If problem still occurs, contact
Sterling Commerce, Inc.
:short.text=Record length exceeds block size.:
:long.text=When receiving the output from the DTF, the API encountered
a record whose length was greater than the blocksize of the
temporary dataset (4100)
System Action-> Command terminates with condition code 8.
Debugging data is written to the NDMCMDS DD. This message
is accompanied by the SVTA025I message.
Response-> Gather the output from the NDMCMDS DD for both
messages and contact Sterling Commerce support.
:short.text=RU_INDEX=&rux RU_SIZ_LEFT=&szleft REC_INDEX=&recx RU_LEN=:
:long.text=When receiving the output from the DTF, the API encountered
a record whose length was greater than the blocksize of the
temporary dataset (4100)
System Action-> Command terminates with condition code 8.
Debugging data is written to the NDMCMDS DD. This message
is accompanied by the SVTA024I message. Another display
immediately following this one shows the data in the buffer.
Response-> Gather the output from the NDMCMDS DD for both
messages along with the display of the buffer
and contact Sterling Commerce support.
:short.text=Signon attempted by signed-on user.:
:long.text=An attempt has been made to sign on to C->D by a user
that is currently signed on.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during VTAM ACB open.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered by ACF/VTAM while attempting to
open the VTAM ACB (Access Method Control Block) that associates
the interactive C->D user to VTAM as an application;
eg. invalid application id (APPLID)
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SETLOGON processing.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered by ACF/VTAM while servicing the
SETLOGON request to enable the SCIP (Session Control Input)
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error requesting session. C->D may be inactive.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM while servicing the
REQSESS request to initiate session establishment. For example,
the C->D DTF (Data Transmission Facility) initialization may
not have completed before signon attempt.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> Issue command again or contact systems programmer.
:short.text=Session not established.:
:long.text=The LU-LU (Logical Unit to Logical Unit) session has not been
established. One of the following has occurred.
1. SCIP (Session Control Input) exit has been driven with an
invalid request unit size specified in the bind image.
2. NSEXIT (Network Services) exit has been driven because a
CLSDST (Close Destination Macro) has been issued by the
C->D DTF for either a TCA (Task Control Area) or a
VTAM LLE (Logon List Entry) not being available.
:short.text=Error during CLOSE of VTAM ACB.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered by ACF/VTAM while attempting to
CLOSE the VTAM ACB (Access Method Control Block).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM ACB.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the ACB (Access Method
Control Block) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM NIB.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the NIB (Node Initial-
ization Block) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM RPL.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the RPL (Request Par-
ameter List) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SHOWCB for CID.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM while extracting the
CID (Communications Identifier) for the LU-LU (Logical Unit
to Logical Unit) session.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=RECEIVE not cancelled after signoff.:
:long.text=The RECEIVE was not cancelled by the SCIP (Session Control
Input) exit routine after a Signoff Control Block was sent
to the C->D DTF.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM exit list.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the VTAM exit list
has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SHOWCB processing for control block lengths.:
:long.text=An error was encountered by ACF/VTAM while extracting the
lengths of the VTAM control blocks.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Invalid session type in TCA.:
:long.text=The interactive TCA (Task Control Area) contains an invalid
"session type" flag.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error in GETMAIN for the TVWA.:
:long.text=An error has been detected during the GETMAIN for a virtual
storage area in which to build the TVWA (TSO/VTAM work area).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during GETMAIN for VTAM control blocks area.:
:long.text=An error has been detected during the GETMAIN for a virtual
storage area in which to build the VTAM ACB (Access Method
Control Block), NIB (Node Initialization Block) and RPL
(Request Parameter List).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during GETMAIN for request unit.:
:long.text=An error has occured during the GETMAIN of a virtual storage
area in which to hold the VTAM request unit.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=The C->D/API session with the C->D/DTF has been terminated.:
:long.text=The session was terminated without a "SIGNOFF" request.
This could happen because->
1. The C->D/DTF was terminated
2. The Physical line link was lost
3. The VTAM APPLID was forced inactive
System Action-> None.
Response-> Attempt a reconnect, or SIGNOFF then SIGNON.
:short.text=The C->D/API session with the C->D/DTF has been terminated.:
:long.text= NODE=1234567890123456 USER=12345678
The session was terminated without a "SIGNOFF" request.
This could happen because->
1. The C->D/DTF was terminated
2. The Physical line link was lost
3. The VTAM APPLID was forced inactive
System Action-> None.
Response-> Attempt a reconnect, or SIGNOFF then SIGNON.
:short.text=Connection Failure:
:long.text=An attempt to sign onto Connect->Direct using a TCP/IP
communication address has failed. An attempt was made
to signon using a port or IP Address that was not valid.
Alternately, this can happen if the user is not
authorized to use OMVS or UNIX System Services.
System Action-> Signon attempt is terminated.
Response-> Correct the SIGNON command and attempt the
SIGNON again. If the error persist, contact the
support center for assistance.
:short.text=Error sending FMH for control block.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM servicing the SEND
issued to send the FMH-71 (Function Management Header) for the
control block. A possible cause is insufficient storage for
the TSO userid.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> Retry or contact systems programmer.
:short.text=Control block too large.:
:long.text=The control block to be sent to the nucleus C->D is too
large to be contained in a single request unit.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SEND of FMH for a control block extension.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM while sending the FMH-71
(Function Management Header) to the nucleus C->D for a
control block extension.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error sending MIC request unit.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM servicing the SEND
issued to send a "middle in chain" request unit associated with
a control block extension.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SEND of LIC request unit.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM servicing the SEND
issued to send a "last in chain" request unit associated with a
control block extension.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=TCP/IP SEND error; Connection Lost:
:long.text=An error has been detected while sending a command via TCP/IP.
The TCP/IP connection has been lost. A possible cause is
Connect->Direct has been shutdown and all TCP/IP connections
have been closed.
System Action-> Normal processing can not continue.
Response-> Logoff and attempt to signon again.
:short.text=Error during RECEIVE.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM during the RECEIVE
issued for a request unit.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SHOWCB for length of RU.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM servicing the SHOWCB
request issued to obtain the length of the request unit just
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error opening the temporary dataset.:
:long.text=An error has occurred while opening the interactive user's
temporary dataset.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during GETMAIN for extension area.:
:long.text=An error has occurred during the GETMAIN for a virtual storage
area in which to build a control block extension.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error sending a negative response to the nucleus C->D.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM during the attempt to
send a negative response to the nucleus C->D.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during send of positive response.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM while sending a positive
response to the nucleus C->D.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=The size of the GFCB received is not the same as the size of
the GFCB sent to Connect->Direct.
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal Processing Continues.
:short.text=TCP/IP RECEIVE error; Connection Lost:
:long.text=An error has been detected while receiveing a command via
TCP/IP. The TCP/IP connection has been lost. A possible cause
is Connect->Direct has been shutdown and all TCP/IP connections
have been closed. Another possible cause is you have attempted
to sign onto a Connect->Direct via TCP and that node does not
support TCP API sign ons.
System Action-> Normal processing can not continue.
Response-> Logoff or attempt to signon again.
:short.text=Module name not found in module table.:
:long.text=The connection services error message generator has been
invoked by a module whose name is not contained in the internal
module name table.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error in TESTCB for OPNDST.:
:long.text=An error was encountered by ACF/VTAM while attempting to
determine if the Open Destination macro completed successfully.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SHOWCB for CID and SLU:
:long.text=An error has been encountered by ACF/VTAM while attempting to
determine the Communications Identifier for the session.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during RECEIVE.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered during the RECEIVE of a request
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SEND of a control block FMH.:
:long.text=An error has been detected in the SEND of an FMH-71 (Function
Management Header) for a control block.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Outbound control block size error.:
:long.text=A control block to be sent will not fit into a single request
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error in SEND of extension FMH.:
:long.text=An error has been detected during the SEND of an FMH-71
(Function Management Header) for a control block extension.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SEND of MIC RU for an extension.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered during the SEND of a "middle in
chain" request
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SEND of LIC in C->D request.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered during the SEND of a "last in
chain" request unit associated with a control block extension.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during CLSDST processing.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered by ACF/VTAM while servicing the
CLSDST (Close Destination macro) issued to terminate the LU-
LU (Logical Unit to Logical Unit) session.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=No virtual storage for control block extension.:
:long.text=C->D-managed virtual storage is not available for a
forthcoming control block extension.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SEND of a negative response.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered during the SEND of a negative
response to the interactive user.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SEND of a positive response.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered during the SEND of a positive
response to the interactive user.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=No virtual storage available for an incomimg control block.:
:long.text=C->D-managed virtual storage is not available in which to
hold an incoming control block.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Incoming control block too large.:
:long.text=An incoming control block is too large to be completely
contained within an C->D-managed virtual storage area.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during initialization for control block area.:
:long.text=An area has occured during C->D task initialization while
obtaining an C->D-managed virtual storage area in which to
hold incoming control blocks.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during OPNDST processing.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered by ACF/VTAM while servicing the
OPNDST (Open Destination macro) issued to complete the LU-LU
(Logical Unit to Logical Unit) session.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Macro error on RECEIVE.:
:long.text=A macro error has been detected by ACF/VTAM on the RECEIVE for
a request unit.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error opening the VTAM ACB.:
:long.text=An error has been encountered while opening the ACB (Access
Method Control Block) which associates C->D to ACF/VTAM
as an application.
System Action-> Normal processsing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM exit list.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the VTAM exit list
has encountered an error; for example, insufficient storage.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM ACB.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the ACB (Access Method
Control Block) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM NIB.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the NIB (Node Initial-
ization Block) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error while generating the VTAM RPL.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the RPL (Request Par-
ameter List) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during SETLOGON processing.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM while servicing the
SETLOGON that was issued to enable the VTAM logon exit.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during MODCB processing.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM while servicing a
MODCB macro instruction.
System Action-> A message is written to the ESTAE DDNAME which
contains the error code.
Return to invoker with non-zero return code.
Response-> Contact Sterling Commerce with the relevant details.
:short.text=Error during INQUIRE processing.:
:long.text=An error has been detected by ACF/VTAM while servicing an
INQUIRE macro instruction.
System Action-> A message is written to the ESTAE DDNAME which
contains the error code.
Return to invoker with non-zero return code.
Response-> Contact Sterling Commerce with the relevant details.
:short.text=VTAM or C->D APPLID Inactive,:
:long.text=During C->D initialization, the VTAM interface is established.
If the C->D applid is inactive or VTAM is not available, this
message is issued.
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Reponse-> Investigate the reason for the message, then
reply 'RETRY' to retry the open before continuing
'CONTINUE' to continue the initialization and
retry the open in a background subtask
'NOVTAM' to continue the initialization without SNA
'CANCEL' to terminate C->D. :
:short.text=C->D Application Inactive,:
:long.text=During C->D initialization, the interface to VTAM is
established. If the C->D applid is inactive this message is
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Reponse-> Investigate the reason for the message, then
reply 'RETRY' to retry the open before continuing
'CONTINUE' to continue the initialization and
retry the open in a background subtask
'NOVTAM' to continue the initialization without SNA
'CANCEL' to terminate C->D. :
:long.text=During C->D initialization, either VTAM is inactive or
the applid used by the Program Operator interface is inactive.
(See init parm POA.APPL.)
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Reponse-> Investigate the reason for the message, then
reply 'RETRY' to retry the open before continuing
'CONTINUE' to continue the initialization and
retry the open in a background subtask
'NOVTAM' to continue the initialization without SNA
'CANCEL' to terminate C->D. :
:long.text=During C->D initialization, return codes indicated that the
applid used by the Program Operator interface was inactive.
(See init parm POA.APPL.)
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Reponse-> Make sure the the POA APPLID is valid and has been
varied active. Then reply 'GO' to continue C->D
initialization, or 'CANCEL' to terminate C->D.
:short.text=VTAM or P=S APPL aaaaaaaa INACTIVE. ENTER CANCEL OR GO:
:long.text=During C->D initialization, either VTAM is inactive or
the applid used for PNODE=SNODE processing is inactive.
(See ADJACENT.NODE Network map record for the node name
matching your LOCAL.NODE name.)
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Response-> Make sure the the APPLID is valid and has been
varied active. Then reply 'GO' to continue C->D
initialization, or 'CANCEL' to terminate C->D.
:short.text=P=S APPL aaaaaaaa INACTIVE. ENTER ABEND, GO or NOPSN:
:long.text=During C->D initialization, return codes indicated that the
applid used for PNODE=SNODE processing was inactive.
(See ADJACENT.NODE Network map record for the node name
matching your LOCAL.NODE name.)
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Response-> Make sure the APPLID is valid and is varied active,
then reply GO to continue with initialization.
Reply ABEND to terminate initializaion
Reply NOPSN to continue initialization, but to
disable PNODE=SNODE processing :
:short.text=PNODE=SNODE processing disabled:
:long.text=NOPSN was replied to WTOR message SVTJ014I stating to
continue initialization with PNODE=SNODE processing
System Action-> Initialization continues. No submits of
processes whose SNODE is equal to the LOCAL.NODE will be
Response-> If PNODE=SNODE processing is desired, bring down
C->D, reload the network map if necessary and restart C->D with
the APPLID for PNODE=SNODE processing varied active. :
:short.text=Connect->Direct VTAM APPLID Already Active:
:long.text=During C->D initialization, the Connect->Direct VTAM APPLID
is already active.
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Reponse-> Investigate the reason for the message, then
reply 'RETRY' to retry the open before continuing
'CONTINUE' to continue the initialization and
retry the open in a background subtask
'NOVTAM' to continue the initialization without SNA
'CANCEL' to terminate C->D. :
:short.text=Connect->Direct P=S APPLID Already Active:
:long.text=During C->D initialization, the PNODE=SNODE APPLIB is already
System Action-> C->D waits for a reply.
Reponse-> Investigate the reason for the message, then
reply 'RETRY' to retry the open before continuing
'CONTINUE' to continue the initialization and
retry the open in a background subtask
'NOVTAM' to continue the initialization without SNA
'CANCEL' to terminate C->D. :
:short.text=SNA Support is Not Available.:
:long.text=The SNA support is temporarily unavailabe either because
the SNA=NO initialization parameter was specified, the
VTAM ACB is inactive and could not be opened, the VTAM ACB
has become disable during processing or the VTAM APPLID is
already in use by another Connect->Direct.
SYSTEM ACTION->Connect->Direct functionality continue without
support for SNA. The OPEN ACB will be retried until
Response-> Determine the cause of the failure and specify
SNA= in the initialization parameter file. :
:short.text=SNA Support is Now Available.:
:long.text=The connection to VTAM has been successful and all SNA
function are now supported.
SYSTEM ACTION->Connect->Direct functionality continue.
Response-> None.
:short.text=Error encountered building the VTAM NIB.:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the NIB (Node Initial-
ization Block) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error encountered building the VTAM RPL:
:long.text=The VTAM service routine which generates the RPL (Request Par-
ameter List) has encountered an error.
eg. insufficient storage
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Session rejected by this module:
:long.text=The LU-LU (Logical Unit to Logical Unit) session has been
rejected because no free TCA (Task Control Area) was available
upon which to create an C->D task.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during CLSDST:
:long.text=ACF/VTAM encountered an error while servicing the CLSDST (Close
Destination macro) which was issued to reject the LU-LU
(Logical Unit to Logical Unit) session.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Dynamic storage not available for VTAM control blocks.:
:long.text=C->D-managed virtual storage not available in which to build
the VTAM NIB (Node Initialization Block) and RPL (Request
Parameter List).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Invalid request unit specified.:
:long.text=An invalid request unit size has been specified in the BIND
image contained in the CINIT (Controlled Initiate user data).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Storage not available for the request unit.:
:long.text=C->D-managed virtual storage is not available in which hold the
VTAM request unit.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error occurred on an ACTSESS request.:
:long.text=VTAM encountered an error in processing the ACTSESS request
issued by C->D in order to accept an LU 6.2 session.
System Action-> If the "logon processor" trace is active
(DEBUG setting=x'00000004') then a message is
printed to the RADBDD36 DDNAME which contains
the error code received from VTAM.
Response-> Contact Stelring Commmerce with the relevant
:short.text=Error occurred on a RECEIVE FMH5 request.:
:long.text=VTAM encountered an error in processing the RECEIVE FMH5
request issued by C->D for an LU 6.2 session
System Action-> If the "logon processor" trace is active
(DEBUG setting=x'00000004') then a message is
printed to the RADBDD36 DDNAME which contains
the error code received from VTAM.
Response-> Contact Sterling Commerce with the relevant
:short.text=Error occurred on a REJECT CONVERSATION request.:
:long.text=VTAM encountered an error in processing the REJECT conversation
request issued by C->D to reject an LU 6.2 session.
System Action-> If the "logon processor" trace is active
(DEBUG setting=x'00000004') then a message is
printed to the RADBDD36 DDNAME which contains
the error code received from VTAM.
Response-> Contact Sterling Commerce with the relevant
:short.text=Error occurred on a DEACTIVATE request.:
:long.text=VTAM encountered an error in processing the DEACTIVATE
request issued by C->D to terminate an LU 6.2 session.
System Action-> If the "logon processor" trace is active
(DEBUG setting=x'00000004') then a message is
printed to the RADBDD36 DDNAME which contains
the error code received from VTAM.
Response-> Contact Sterling Commerce with the relevant
:short.text=Error during VTAM OPNDST w/ACCEPT.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error during OPNDST (Open Destination
macro) w/ACCEPT processing. The C->D was attempting to
complete the LU-TYPE0 session which had been requested by an
SNA secondary node.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during VTAM OPNDST w/ACQUIRE.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error during OPNDST (Open Destination
macro) w/ACQUIRE processing. The C->D was attempting to
acquire an LU-TYPE0 session with a remote C->D.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during VTAM OPNSEC processing.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error during OPNSEC (Open Secondary
macro) processing. The C->D was attempting to complete the
LU-TYPE0 session which a remote C->D was acquiring.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during VTAM CLSDST processing.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error during CLSDST (Close Destination
macro) processing. The C->D was attempting to terminate
the LU-TYPE0 session with the remote SNA SLU C->D.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during VTAM MODCB processing.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error during MODCB (Modify Control
Block macro) processing. The C->D was attempting to complete
the NIB (Node Initialization Block), prior to INQUIRE with the
SLU name of the remote C->D.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during VTAM MODCB processing.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error during MODCB (Modify Control
Block macro) processing. The C->D was attempting to complete
the NIB (Node Initialization Block), prior to OPNDST (Open
Destination macro) w/ACQUIRE with the address of updated
BIND data which describes the SNA session.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Error during VTAM INQUIRE processing.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error while servicing an INQUIRE
request. The C->D was attempting to obtain the BIND data, to
complete the user-data area, prior to OPNDST (Open Destination
macro) w/ACQUIRE.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=MACRO error on OPNDST or OPNSEC.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered a MACRO-level error while servicing the
OPNDST (Open Destination macro) w/ACCEPT 튍CQUIRE or OPNSEC
(Open Secondary macro) to complete the session between C->D
and the remote C->D.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=MACRO error on INQUIRE.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered a MACRO-level error attempting to service
the INQUIRE issued by C->D to obtain the bind data
before trying to acquire a session with a remote (SLU)
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=Invalid task ID.
The only valid task IDs under which the session manager can run
are-> a) P --- local C->D is the Primary Node,
b) S --- local C->D is the Secondary Node.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 PQEWTOH-> PQE ^REMOVED F/QUEUE.WAIT:
:long.text=Queue transfer error -> wait to hold.
The procedure to move all processes for the current session
from the wait queue to the hold queue encountered an error
while removing a process from the wait queue.
&var1 contains process and node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 PQEHTOW-> PQE ^REMOVED F/QUEUE.HOLD:
:long.text=The procedure to move a process for the current session from
the hold queue to the wait queue encountered an error removing
the process from the hold queue. &var1 contains process and
node Information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=Wait Queue scan error.
The procedure to scan the wait queue for a process for the
current session encountered an error removing the process
from the wait queue. &var1 represents node and process
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 PQESCANW-> TCQE ^FETCHED F/DASD:
:long.text=TCQE fetch error.
The procedure to scan the wait queue for a process for the
current session, encountered an error fetching the TCQE (Task
Control Queue Element) from DASD, &var1 represents process
and other node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 FUNCTW-> PQE ^MOVED TO QUEUE.WAIT:
:long.text=Process handling error.
The procedure which moves the current process to the wait queue
has encountered an error during the INSERT function.
&var1 shows node and process information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 PROCNEGO-> FMH-70 ^RECEIVED; LOCAL HAS P/C:
:long.text=The local C->D (having process control) during process
negotiation, did not receive an expected FMH-70 (Function Man-
agement Header-type 70) from the remote C->D.
&var1 gives node and process information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 PROCNEGO-> FMH-70 ^RECEIVED; REMOTE HAS P/C:
:long.text=The local C->D (not having process control) during
process negotiation did not receive an expected FMH-70
(Function Management Header-type 70). &var1 indicates process
and node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 FUNCTE-> PQE ^MOVED TO QUEUE.EXEC.:
:long.text=The procedure that moves the current process to the executing
queue has encountered an error during the INSERT function.
&var1 shows general process and node information
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 FUNCTF-> PQE ^MOVED TO QUEUE.FREE:
:long.text=The procedure that moves the current process to the free queue
has encountered an error during the FREE function.
&var1 shows general process and node information
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 FUNCTH-> PQE ^MOVED TO QUEUE.HOLD:
:long.text=The procedure that moves the current process to the hold queue
has encountered an error during the INSERT function.
&var1 contains general process/node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 SENDRU-> SEND OF VTAM RU FAILED:
:long.text=The procedure that sends a request/response-unit to the remote
C->D has encountered an error. The error has been logged
by the VTAM RU SEND (Send Request/Response Unit) module.
&var1 displays node and process information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 RECRU-> RECEIVE OF VTAM RU FAILED:
:long.text=The procedure that receives a request/response-unit from the
remote C->D has encountered an error. The error has been
logged by the VTAM RU RECEIVE (Receive Request/Response Unit)
&var1 shows node and process information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 EXECPROC-> FMH-72 ^RECEIVED; REMOTE HAS P/C:
:long.text=The local C->D (not having process control) did not re-
ceive either an FMH-72 or an FMH-74 (Function Management Header
type 72 and 74) during process execution setup. &var1 gives
process and other node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 PQEWTOH-> PQE ^MOVED TO QUEUE.WAIT:
:long.text=The procedure to move all processes for the current session
from the wait queue to the hold queue encountered an error
while inserting a process on the hold queue.
&var1 preceeds this message with process name, number and
node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=SESSION (&class) NOT ESTABLISHED WITH &node=&snode:
:long.text=The session could not be established with the remote
C->D with NODE NAME of &snode. Either->
1) the remote C->D is defined with a nonexistant VTAM
2) the remote C->D is defined with incorrect TCP/IP
address and/or port,
3) the remote C->D has not fully initialized,
4) the physical link to the remote C->D is unusable.
In the message text, node will be either "PNODE" or "SNODE",
and class is the SESSION CLASS.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None :
:short.text=&var1 PQEHTOW-> PQE ^MOVED TO QUEUE.WAIT:
:long.text=The procedure to move a process for the current session from
the hold queue to the wait queue encountered an error inserting
a process on the wait queue. &var1 displays node and process
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 CHKPTCQE-> TCQE ^CHECKPOINTED:
:long.text=The procedure that checkpoints the TCQE (Task Control Queue
Element) has encountered an error during the UPDATE function.
&var1 shows process and other node information
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=The local C->D (not having process control) has completed
executing a step within a process but the received FMH-74
(Function Management Header-type 74) contained an invalid com-
mand code.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 FMH-74 ^RECEIVED AFTER STEP ERROR-> WE ARE SNA &snatype:
:long.text=The local C->D (not having process control) has completed
executing a step within a process, but did not receive an
FMH-74 (Function Management Header-type 74).
&snatype indicates that the DTF is either SNA "PRIMARY" (PLU)
or "SECONDARY" (SLU). &var1 shows process and node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=The local C->D, acting as the SNA.SLU, has issued a
synchronous "request shutdown" to the SNA session partner, but
the SCIP (Session Control Input) exit has not set the C->D
task "stop flag" to "stop by unbind".
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 STOPSES-> FMH-75 ^RECEIVED; LOCAL=SLU:
:long.text=The local C->D acting as the secondary node has determined
that a session with the remote C->D should be
terminated; however, an FMH-75 (Function Management Header-type
75) was not received. &var1 contains node and process
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=The local C->D acting as the SNA.SLU has issued a
synchronous "request shutdown" to the SNA session partner but
has received a nonzero return code from the "SEND REQUEST"
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=The local C->D acting as the SNA.SLU has issued a
synchronous "request shutdown" to the SNA session partner, but
has encountered an error waiting for the SCIP (Session Control
Input) exit to POST the C->D task ECB (Event Control
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 XRPLASY-> ERROR-> MODCB F/OPTCD=ASY:
:long.text=The procedure that modifies the LU-TYPE0 RPL (Request Parameter
List) from OPTCD=SYN to OPTCD=ASY (synchronous to asynchronous)
has encountered a macro error. &var1 shows process and node
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=PROCESS STARTED &pname(&pnum) &node=&snode:
:long.text=The named process has started executing.
&pname-> the process name
&pnum-> the process number
&node-> PNODE is the session partner having process cntl
SNODE is the session partner not having process cntl
&snode-> the NODE NAME of the session partner
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None :
:short.text=PROCESS &status &pname(&pnum) &node=&snode:
:long.text=The named process has stopped executing.
&status-> "ENDED" or "SUSPENDED"
&pname-> the NAME of the process
&pnum-> the PROCESS NUMBER
&node-> PNODE is the session partner having process cntl
SNODE is the session partner not having process cntl
&snode-> the NODE NAME of the session partner
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None :
:short.text=&var1 PROCNEGO-> INV FMH-70 COMMAND; LOCAL HAS P/C:
:long.text=The local C->D (having process control) during process
negotiation, has received an FMH-70 (Function Management Header
type 70) with an invalid command code. &var1 identifies node
and process information;
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&VAR1 COMPSESS-> RU SIZE IS 0.:
:long.text=During session establishment completion processing, it was
found that the RU size for the session was 0.
&var shows process and node information.
System Action-> Process ends.
Response-> Look in your APPL definitions for the 2 DTFs
involved. Correct the RU size and retry the process.
:long.text=The procedure that completes the LU-TYPE0 session with the
remote C->D has issued a synchronous OPNSEC (Open Sec-
ondary macro) but has encountered a macro error. &var1 shows
process and node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=SNA session resynchronization logic #1 has been entered. This
logic-> a) moves any current process to the hold queue with
status set to "held for process error" (HP),
b) sends an FMH-74 (Function Management Header-type 74)
with end-of-process and aborted-transfer set, to the
SNA session partner.
&var1 shows general process and node information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=Session resynchronization logic #2 has been entered. This
logic-> a) receives RUs from the session partner as long as
an FMH-74 (Function Management Header-type 74) is
not in the buffer area,
b) sends a DR1 to the session partner to signify
receipt of the FMH-74 (Function Management Header-
type 74).
&var1 shows general process and node info
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:long.text=SNA session resynchronization logic has been entered. This
logic-> a) receives RUs from the SNA session partner until one
is received which is marked last-in-chain or is a
CANCEL request,
b) if a CANCEL request is received, a DR1 is sent to
the session partner.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 TERMSESS-> CLSDST FAILURE:
:long.text=A VTAM CLSDST macro, issued by the SNA PLU C->D at
C->D to C->D session shutdown, has failed.
&var1 identifies process and node information.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated
:short.text=&var1 RPLERRCK-> C->D/C->D SESSION FAILURE:
:long.text=The VTAM session has failed. An error code has been
been set by VTAM indicating a session failure.
&var1 shows general process and node info
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated
:short.text=&var1 SNDFMH70-> FMH_70 SEND ERROR:
:long.text=A session failure has been detected at the time an FM
Header 70 was sent to the session partner.
&var1 shows general node and process information
SYSTEM ACTION->Session failure logic initiated
:short.text=&var1 SNDFMH72-> FMH_72 SEND ERROR:
:long.text=A session failure has been detected at the time an FM
Header 72 was sent to the session partner.
&var1 identifies general process and node information
SYSTEM ACTION->Session failure logic initiated
:long.text=A VTAM session failure has been detected at the time a definite
response was sent to the session partner.
&var1 shows general process and node information.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated
:short.text=&var1 SNDFMH74-> FMH_74 SEND ERROR:
:long.text=A session failure has been detected at the time an FM
Header 74 was sent to the session partner.
&var1 shows general process and node information.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session failure logic initiated
:long.text=Any process executing at the time of a session failure will be
recovered. If the process has finished, the PQE is moved to
the free queue; otherwise, it is moved to the wait queue. In
addition, all process for the session partner are moved from
the wait queue to the hold queue.
&var1 shows general process and node information
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session is quiesced and normal C->D
functions continue.
:long.text=During "process recovery", the executing process could not be
removed from the executing queue. &var1 contains process
info (name, number, etc.).
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic continues
:short.text=&stpnm &func &pname(&pnum) &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A process step has completed, where->
stpnm-> the process STEP NAME
func-> the STEP FUNCTION. e.g. RUN TASK, COPY, etc.
pname-> the PROCESS NAME
node-> is PNODE or SNODE
snode-> the partner NODE NAME
var1-> will contain step completion code info, the parsess
class and other info regarding the step function (dataset
names, etc), depending on the step function.
SYSTEM ACTION->the next process step, if any, is executed
:short.text=SESSION (&class) ACQUIRE FAILED &node=&snode:
:long.text=The local C->D has issued an Open Destination macro to
acquire a remote C->D as the SNA-defined Secondary Logical
Unit (SLU) into session but the request has failed; &node
is either PNODE or SNODE. &snode shows the other node
name, and &class shows the session class (parsess)
SYSTEM ACTION->The process is queued for retry. If the
session retry count has not exceeded the system-defined
maximum, the process is put on the timer queue with a time
interval set to the system-defined retry value; otherwise,
the process is moved to the hold queue.
:long.text=The remote C->D, not having process control, has requested
a session shutdown at the completion of the current step.
The &var1 variable show process and node information
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is shutdown in an orderly fashion at
the completion of the current step.
:short.text=SESSION (&class) ESTABLISHED WITH &var1:
:long.text=A session has been established with a remote C->D; where
&var1 contains one of the following->
PNODE or SNODE indicates the logical node name of the
secondary or primary node with which the
session has been established
&class shows the SESSION class only for SNA connections
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal C->D operation continues
:short.text=SESSION (&class) TERMINATED WITH &node=&snode:
:long.text=A session has been terminated with a remote C->D; where
&node-> is PNODE or SNODE
&snode-> the NODE NAME of the remote C->D
&class shows the SESSION class only for SNA connections
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal C->D operation continues
:short.text=&var1 FUNCTT-> PQE ^MOVED TO QUEUE.TIMER:
:long.text=The procedure that moves the current process to the timer queue
has encountered an error during the INSERT function.
&var1 contains general process and node information
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal C->D processing continues
:long.text=While removing a process from the execute queue, an error
occurred. &var1 contains process name and number information
as well as other node information.
SYSTEM ACTION->processing continues
:long.text=The security module (SECURITY keyword in the Init Parms
dataset) has determined that the security system is
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=20.
An C->D Immediate Shut-down is started.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=No user record was found for Process submitter on this node.:
:long.text=The C->D Authorization data set does not contain a record for
the user who originally submitted the Process.
The user must be defined on all nodes accessed to allow
access authority to be checked.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process step is not allowed to execute
due to security check failure.
RESPONSE->Define the user, with appropriate security ID and
password, on all appropriate nodes.
:long.text=The other node rejected the session after the FMH 70 was sent.
&node is either SNODE or PNODE and &snode identifies the other
node. Sense information is also given.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process fails and control is returned to
the user.
RESPONSE->Determine the cause of the rejection by looking in
the log for WTOs from this Process. Save the sense
information. Contact the other node or look at
statistics on that node for more informatoin. :
:long.text=It was found that an auth file password existed for this user,
and it did not match the password that this user signed on
with. Therefore, no auth file match occurs, resulting
in no translation of the id.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process fails and control is returned to
the user.
RESPONSE->Have the C->D admimistrator delete the auth file pswd
associated with your id, or change it to match your
signon password. :
:long.text=When the calculated message digest of the received file
was compared to the message digest sent as part of copy
termination, the two did not agree.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process fails.
RESPONSE->Save a copy of the source and destination file, and
Contact Sterling Commerce for assistance.
:long.text=When the calculated message signature of the received file
was compared to the message signature sent as part of copy
termination, the two did not agree.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process fails.
RESPONSE->Save a copy of the source and destination file, and
Contact Sterling Commerce for assistance.
:long.text=An attempt to write to SIGNATURE.DSN has failed at the remote
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process fails, and is placed on the HOLD s
queue to wait for the remote connection. At that time the
process will run again.
:short.text=TCP INIT request abended:
:long.text=An abend occurred in the subtask while processing a TCP
SDIP INIT request.
SYSTEM ACTION->The TCP session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=TCP CALL request abended:
:long.text=An abend occurred in the subtask while processing a TCP
SDIP CALL request during session initiation.
SYSTEM ACTION->The TCP session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=TCP ANSWER request abended:
:long.text=An abend occurred in the subtask while processing a TCP
SDIP ANSWER request during session initiation.
SYSTEM ACTION->The TCP session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=TCP ADOPT request abended:
:long.text=An abend occurred in the subtask while processing a TCP
SDIP ADOPT request during session initiation.
SYSTEM ACTION->The TCP session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=TCP HANGUP request abended:
:long.text=An abend occurred in the subtask while processing a TCP
SDIP HANGUP request.
SYSTEM ACTION->The TCP session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=SDIP INIT request failed:
:long.text=A failure occurred while processing an SDIP INIT request
during session initiation of a TCP or LU6.2 session.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Review the output associated with the failure and
process in question. RPLERRCK, Stats, and the msg
log may have relevant information pertaining to
this error. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=TCP LISTEN not ready - PNAME=&pname, PNUM=&pnum:
:long.text=A session could not be established for the indicated
process because TCP LISTEN has not been established yet.
VIPA support requires LISTEN to be established prior to
BIND for outbound processing.
SYSTEM ACTION->The process is requeued and placed in
WA WT or HO HC status.
RESPONSE->No action is necessary unless the TCP stack is
down. When the stack is brought back up or
when the initial LISTEN is established, waiting
processes will begin running. :
:short.text=SDIP ANSWER request failed:
:long.text=A failure occurred while processing an SDIP ANSWER request
during session initiation of a TCP or LU6.2 session.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Review the output associated with the failure and
process in question. RPLERRCK, Stats, and the msg
log may have relevant information pertaining to
this error. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=SDIP ADOPT request failed:
:long.text=A failure occurred while processing an SDIP ADOPT request
during session initiation of a TCP or LU6.2 session.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Review the output associated with the failure and
process in question. RPLERRCK, Stats, and the msg
log may have relevant information pertaining to
this error. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=SDIP HANGUP request failed:
:long.text=A failure occurred while processing an SDIP HANGUP request
during session initiation of a TCP or LU6.2 session.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated and the process
RESPONSE->Review the output associated with the failure and
process in question. RPLERRCK, Stats, and the msg
log may have relevant information pertaining to
this error. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance. :
:short.text=SESSION (&class) REJECTED &pname(&pnum) &node=&snode:
:long.text=The other node rejected the session via the FMH70.
&pname-> the NAME of the process
&pnum-> the process NUMBER
&node->PNODE is the session partner having process cntl
SNODE is the session partner not having process cntl
&snode-> the NODE NAME of the session partner
&class-> the SESSION CLASS
SYSTEM ACTION->The process ends, is put on the Timer queue,
and retries the session MAXRETRIES times.
RESPONSE->Check the other node to see why the session was
rejected on that node (for example-> max sessions
reached). :
:short.text=&var1 COMPSESS-> RU SIZE IS LESS THAN 512:
:long.text=An RU size of less than 512 bytes is being used for an LU0
or LU2 session. &var1 shows process and node information.
SYSTEM ACTION->The process ends and is put on the Hold queue.
RESPONSE->Check with your VTAM programmer to determine which
LOGMODE is being used for the session (LOGMODE can
be overridden in the network map for non-SNUF
nodes). Change your network map or APPL definition
to use a LOGMODE with an RU size of 512 or greater. :
:short.text=Session Limits of &class exceeded, Session Rejected:
:long.text=This session exceeds the session limits defined for this
adjacent node per the NETMAP parameter, SESS.SNODE.MAX. The
session is rejected.
SYSTEM ACTION->The process is terminated.
RESPONSE->The adjacent node should reschedule the process
for a time when sessions are available or negotiate
new session limits between partners.
:short.text=&var1 DMGSYNC1->:
:long.text=An error occurred in the process as described by &var1.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated and the process
is put in the hold queue.
RESPONSE->Save the system log and statistics associated with
the process in question. Look for WTOs indicating previous
errors for this session. Also, look in the RPLERRCK DD
output for possible debugging information .
:short.text=&var1 RECRU-> RECEIVE OF AN RU FAILED:
:long.text=The procedure that receives a request/response-unit from the
remote C->D has encountered an error. The error has been
logged by the RU RECEIVE (Receive Request/Response Unit)
&var1 shows node and process information.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=&var1 FMH-74 Not Received After Step Error:
:long.text=The local C->D (not having process control) has completed
executing a step within a process, but did not receive an
FMH-74 (Function Management Header-type 74).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Process suspended.:
Processing for the process is suspended due to an error. If the
error was caused by a VTAM line/link failure then the process
will be restarted automatically according to the WTRETRIES and
the MAXRETRIES initialization parameters. Otherwise, the
process is put on the HOLD queue and must be released with a
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process is either put on the RETRY queue or
the HOLD queue.
:short.text=&var2&mgid &msgtext NODE=&snode SENSE=&sense COMMID=&var1:
:long.text=This message reflects a lower level message returned from
the Network Map look-up program. Refer to the MSGID found
in the log or statistics. A common cause is that the node
is not defined in the network map, an LU name does not
match, or the NETID does not match.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated immediately unless
NETMAP.CHECK was specified in the INIT parms with the WARN
RESPONSE->Look up the message indicated by MSGID. Follow the
response for that message. :
:short.text=Node not defined in adjacent network map, node=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
This node has attempted to establish a session with the
adjacent node above. However, this node is not currently
defined in the adjacent node's network map.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated immediately.
RESPONSE->Define the appropriate node in the C->D network map.
:short.text=The session with the adjacent node has been lost.:
Due to a previous error condition, the session with the
adjacent node has been lost.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Process is terminated and appropriate
recovery action is taken.
RESPONSE->Check the C->D log (JES log or C->D-VM console log)
for error messages that identify the error condition.
:short.text=PNAME=&pname, PNUM=&pnum MOVED TO Q=&q, QSTATUS=&qstat:
:long.text=The process named in the message has been moved to the
C->D queue named in the message.
variables in this message are->
&pname-> the PROCESS NAME &pnum-> the PROCESS NUMBER
&q-> the QUEUE NAME &qstat-> the QUEUE STATUS
A process may be moved to HO HC if another process is
already going through retry with the same SNODE.
SYSTEM ACTION->Varies depending on which queue the process
RESPONSE->Variable. Most likely, this is just informational.
If you suspect an error, look at the log and stats for more
meaningful messages for this process. :
:long.text=While attempting to establish a session with the SNODE
the CONNECT.WAIT time limit was exceeded. The number of
restarts for the process is also displayed. &var1 shows
process and node information. &var2 show the number of
restarts for the process.
SYSTEM ACTION->The process is put in the TIMER queue for
retry. When the retry count is reached, it will be moved
to the HOLD queue.
RESPONSE->Verify that the SNODE environment is set up
correctly (emulation software, API, etc.) so that the two
nodes can communicate.
:long.text=An LU0 session was attempting to establish a connection
using an LU 6.2 LOGMODE.
&var shows general process and node information.
SYSTEM ACTION->The process is put in the TIMER queue for
retry. When the retry count is reached, it will be moved
to the HOLD queue.
RESPONSE->Check the NETMAP for the associated adjacent
node entry and ensure that if a LOGMODE is specified that
it is not an LU 6.2 LOGMODE.
:long.text=The ADJACENT.NODE record was not found in the NETWORK MAP
but due to NETMAP.CHECK ACTION being set to WARN, access to the
system is allowed.
SYSTEM ACTION->The process continues
RESPONSE->Check the NETMAP for the associated adjacent
node entry.
:long.text=During "process recovery", the executing process was
removed from the executing queue. This is due to
another error during execution of this process.
Please review statistics for detail of the error.
SYSTEM ACTION->Process is terminated, Held in Error
:short.text=PNAME=&pname, PNUM=&pnum MOVED TO Q=&q, QSTATUS=&qstat:
:long.text=The process named in the message has been moved to the
C->D queue named in the message.
variables appearing in the message are"
&pname-> the PROCESS NAME
&pnum-> the PROCESS NUMBER
&q-> the QUEUE NAME
&qstat-> the QUEUE STATUS
SYSTEM ACTION->Varies depending on which queue the process
RESPONSE->Variable. Most likely, this is just informational.
If you suspect an error, look at the log and stats for more
meaningful messages for this process. :
:short.text=Process did not run - process deleted:
:long.text=The process did not run because of maximum retries
exhausted and MAXDELAY=0 was specified. The process
is deleted from the queue.
SYSTEM ACTION->The submitter receives RC=8 on the SUBMIT.
:short.text=PROCESS FLUSHED.:
:short.text=Process Execution Status being passed to Synch Submit request.:
:long.text=The Process status is reflected in the return code. This is
the highest value for all Process steps. A non-zero value
means at least one step in the Process failed. Complete
statistics for this Process are available via the SEL STAT
command. RC=52(x'34') indicates that MAXDELAY=0 was
specified and the process did not run and was deleted.
SYSTEM ACTION->Processing continues.
RESPONSE->You may view the current Process status by using the
SELECT STATISTICS command unless RC=52(x'34').
:short.text=SESSION (&class) NOT ESTABLISHED WITH &node=&snode (&mid):
:long.text=The LU-TYPE1 session could not be established with the remote
C->D with NODE NAME of &snode. Either->
1) the remote C->D is defined with a nonexistant VTAM
2) the remote C->D has not fully initialized,
3) the physical link to the remote C->D is unusable.
In the message text, &node will be either "PNODE" or "SNODE",
and class is the SESSION CLASS. &mid is replaced with the
LU1 script msgid, if applicable
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None :
:short.text=PROCESS (&class) ENDED &pname(&pnum) &node=&snode:
:long.text=The process &pname has stopped executing.
This is put out for SECURITY.NOTIFY=YES or HOLD indicating
that the other node returned an error in the FMH72 which is
usually associated with a security failure.
See the SVTM037I for other values in the message.
System Action-> The process is ended if SECURITY.NOTIFY=
YES. It is put in the Hold Queue in HE status if
SECURITY.NOTIFY=HOLD is coded in the init parms.
Response-> The message id returned from the other node should
appear in the SVTM052I message which is also issued. Check
with the other node for the reason for the error. :
:short.text=LU 6.2 function completed as request:
The VTAM LU 6.2 APPC function was successfully completed.
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal processing continues.
:short.text=MODCB FAILED &node=&snode R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &var1:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error during MODCB (modify control
block macro) processing. Connect->Direct was attempting to
issue an LU 6.2 APPC command. The LU 6.2 APPC command
will not be exectuted. Registers 15 and 0, containing return
code information from the MODCB are shown in the message.
VAR1 contains process name/number information if it is
available. &node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode
is the name of the partner's node.
SYSTEM ACTION->The task will be terminated and if the task is
executing a process, the process will be saved in the HOLD
or TIMER queue.
:short.text=LU62 SESS LIM EXC'D. &node=&snode RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs &sns &var1:
:long.text=The session limits as defined in the VTAM APPL definition
DSESLIM have been reached. No more sessions are available for
allocation. The process will be moved to the HOLD QUEUE with a
status of WC. &rp, &rs and &sns show the primary and secondary
return codes and sense info. The partner node name and
process name and number, if it is available, is also shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->The task will be terminated and the process will
be returned to the HOLD QUEUE waiting for a session.
RESPONSE->Either define more sessions in the VTAM APPL DSESLIM
definition or lower the PARSESS limits in the NETMAP to->
:short.text=Invalid VTMPL OPCODE-> &vtoper &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The LU 6.2 APPC function code in the VTMPL (VTAM parameter
list) passed to the LU 6.2 APPC function handler is not
a valid function code. This request will be rejected.
&vtoper shows the function code passed. &var1 contains
process name and number information if it is available.
SYSTEM ACTION->The task will be terminated and if the task is
executing a process, the process will be saved in the HOLD
or TIMER queue. &node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode
is the name of the partner's node.
RESPONSE->This is an internal error. Gather logs and
all C->D job output and report to Sterling Commerce support.
:short.text=ALLOC IMMED FAILURE R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The attempt to allocate a LU 6.2 conversation with a remote
node failed, the macro APPCCMD CONTROL=ALL QUALIFY=IMMED was
rejected by VTAM. The return codes are shown in R15 and R0.
The partner's node is also displayed. &var1 contains process
name and number inforation if it is available.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Gather all C->D output (logs and SYSOUT files), all
VTAM and Network map definitions for the nodes involved.
If unable to determine cause, contact Sterling Commerce
support. C->D and/or VTAM traces may be requested. :
:short.text=ALLOC IMM FAILED RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The attempt to allocate a LU 6.2 conversation with a remote
failed with the APPC return codes shown in RCPR (primary)
and RCSC (secondary). &sns shows the sense info. The
partner's node name is also displayed as well as process
information (if available, in &var1).
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic is initiated and
the process is saved (if there is one).
RESPONSE->Check status of the remote C->D. Start it up if
necessary. The process will restart if it is in the
TIMER queue. Release it to restart if in HOLD queue. :
:short.text=RCVFMH5 Failure. R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The macro APPCCMD CONTROL=RCVFMH5 to receive a FMH-5 from the
remote C->D was rejected with the return codes shown in R15
and R0. The partner's node name as well as process name and
number (in var1, if available) are also shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
:short.text=RCVFMH5 Failure. RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The macro APPCCMD CONTROL=RCVFMH5 to receive a FMH-5 from the
remote C->D failed with the APPC return codes shown in RCPR
and RCSC (primary and secondary) and SNS (sense). The
partner's node name is also displayed along iwth the process
name and number information (if available, in &var1).
SYSTEM ACTION->The attempt by the remote C->D to establish
a session with this C->D failed.
RESPONSE->Check the status of the session and the remote C->D.
The remote C->D may try to restart the process.
:short.text=C->D protocol violation by remote node after session started.:
:long.text=After the local C->D did a RCVFMH5 to receive an FMH_5
(Function Management Header type 5) to accept the LU 6.2
session initiation from a remote C->D, the local
C->D is not in Send state as required by the protocol
(remote have not turn line around).
SYSTEM ACTION->Session termination logic initiated.
RESPONSE->Check to see if the remote node is a C->D node or
not. Report to Sterling Commerce support if it is.
:short.text=LU 6.2 SEND failure. R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 send request to send data to a remote C->D
with the macro APPCCMD CONTROL=SEND was rejected by VTAM with
the return codes shown in registers 15 and 0. The other
node's node name is also displayed. If a process name and
number are available they are shown in &var1
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
:short.text=LU62 SEND failure RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 request to send data (macro APPCCMD CONTROL=SEND)
to a remote node failed with the APPC return and sense codes
shown in RCPR (primary), RCSC (secondary) and SNS (sense).
The partner's node name is also displayed. If the process name
and number are available, they are shown in &var1.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Check the status of the session and the remote C->D.
Start up the remote C->D if possible. If the local
process is in the TIMER queue it will restart. If
it is in the hold queue release it to restart. :
:short.text=SEND/RECEIVE state violation. &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The local C->D requested a VTAM LU 6.2 send function while
its session status is in receive state.
&node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode is the
name of the partner's node. &var1 contains process
information if it is available.
SYSYEM ACTION-> Session failure logic is initiated and the
session will be terminated. The executing
process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Gather all C->D output including system logs and
SYSOUT data. Contact Sterling Commerce support. a C->D
trace may be requested. :
:short.text=RECEIVE SPEC Failure. R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 receive request (macro APPCCMD CONTROL=RECEIVE
QUALIFY=SPEC) was rejected by VTAM with the return codes shown
in regs 15 and 0. The partner's node name and process name
and number (if available) is also displayed in the message.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
:short.text=RECEIVE SPEC Failure RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs &SNS &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 receive request (macro APPCCMD CONTROL=RECEIVE
QUALIFY=SPEC) failed with the APPC return codes shown
in RCPR (primary) and RCSC (secondary).
The sense information is shown by &sns.
The partner's node name and process name/number information
(if available) is also shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Check the status of the session and the remote C->D.
Start up the remote C->D if possible. If the local
process is in the TIMER queue it will restart. If
it is in the hold queue release it to restart. :
:short.text=DEALLOC FAILURE R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM operation (macro APPPCCMD CONTROL=DEALLOC) to
deallocate a LU 6.2 conversation (C->D session shutdown) was
rejected by VTAM with the return codes shown in registers
15 and 0. The partner's node name and process name and number
(if available) is also displayed in the message.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session shutdown continues
RESPONSE->NONE unless process termination has problems. In
that case, gather all CD output including logs and SYOUT files
and VTAM and Netmap definitions for both nodes. If unable to
determine problem, contact Sterling Commerce support. :
:short.text=DEALLOC FAILURE RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM operation (macro APPCCMD CONTROL=DEALLOC) to deallocate
a LU 6.2 conversation (C->D session shutdown) failed with the
APPC return codes shown in RCPR (primary) and RCSC (secondary).
The sense information is shown by &sns.
The partner's node name and process name/number information
(if available) is also shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session shutdown continue.
:short.text=CNOS FAILURE R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM CNOS (change number of LU 6.2 session by the macro
by VTAM with the return codes shown in R15 and R0.
The partner's node name is displayed as well as process
information (in &var1, if available)
SYSTEM ACTION->Session termination-> termination continue.
Session start up-> session will not be establish.
Local process will be save.
:short.text=CNOS FAILURE RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SENSE->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM CNOS (change number of LU 6.2 session by the macro
the APPC return codes indicated by RCPR (primary) and RCSC
(secondary) and sense code in &sns. The partner node name
is also displayed as well as process name and number (in
&var1) if available.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session termination-> termination continues.
Session start up-> sess will not be established.
Local process will be saved.
RESPONSE->Session termination-> NONE.
Session start up-> check status of remote C->D. Start
it up if necessary. :
:short.text=SEND ERROR failure R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 SEND ERROR (exception response, macro APPCCMD
CONTROL=SEND QUALIFY=ERROR) request was rejected by VTAM with
the return codes shown by R15 and R0. Also displayed is the
other node's node name. If the process name and number are
available, they are shown in &var1.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session or process failure logic continues.
The process (if there is one) will be saved.
:short.text=SEND ERR failure RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 SEND ERROR (exception response, macro APPCCMD
CONTROL=SEND QUALIFY=ERROR) request failed with the APPC return
and sense codes displayed in RCPR (primary), RCSC (secondary),
and SNS (sense). The partner's node name is also shown.
If the process name and number are available, they can be
found in &var1.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session or process failure logic continues.
The process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Check the status of the session and the remote C->D.
Start up the remote C->D if possible. If the local
process is in the TIMER queue it will restart. If
it is in the HOLD queue release it to restart. :
:short.text=PREPRCV failure. R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 PREPRCV request (send data to session partner
and prepare to receive, macro APPCCMD CONTROL=PREPRCV) was
rejected by VTAM with the return codes shown in R15 and R0.
The partner's node name as well as process name and number
(in var1, if available) are also shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
:short.text=PREPRCV failure RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 PREPRCV request (send data to session partner
and prepare to receive, macro APPCCMD CONTROL=PREPRCV) failed
with the APPC return codes shown in RCPR (primary) and RCSC
(secondary) and SNS (sense). The partner's node name is
also displayed along with process name and number information
(if available, in &var1).
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Check the status of the session and the remote C->D.
Start up the remote C->D if possible. If the local
process is in the TIMER queue it will restart. If
it is in the HOLD queue release it to restart. :
:short.text=REJECT failure. R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 REJECT request (to terminate a LU 6.2 session,
macro APPCCMD CONTROL=REJECT) was rejected by VTAM with the
return codes shown in R15 and R0. The partner's node name
and the process name and number (if available, in &var1) are
also displayed in the message.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session failure logic continues.
:short.text=REJECT failure. RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 REJECT request (to terminate a LU 6.2 session,
macro APPCCMD CONTROL=REJECT) failed with the return codes
shown in RCPR (primary), RCSC (secondary) and SNS (sense).
The partner's node name is also displayed. If the process
name and number are available, they are shown in &var.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session failure logic continues, and the process
(if there is one) will be saved.
:short.text=SND CONFRMD failed R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=An LU 6.2 send definite response request (macro APPCCMD
CONTROL= SEND QUALIFY=CONFRMD) was rejected by VTAM with the
return codes shown in R15 and R0. The partner's node name
is also displayed. If a process name and number are available
they are shown in &var1.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
:short.text=SND CONFRMD fail RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=An LU 6.2 send definite response request (macro APPCCMD
CONTROL= SEND QUALIFY=CONFRMD) failed with the APPC return
and sense codes shown in RCPR (primaray), RCSC (secondary),
and SNS (sense). The other node's name is also displayed.
The process name and number, if available are show in &var1.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Check the status of the session and the remote C->D.
Start up the remote C->D if possible. If the local
process is in the TIMER queue it will restart. If
it is in the HOLD queue release it to restart. :
:short.text=OPRCNLT DISPLAY failure R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 request to display the session limits between 2
rejected by VTAM with the return codes shown in R15 and R0.
The partner's node name as well as process name and number
(in var1, if available) are also shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session termination-> termination continue.
Session start up-> session will not be establish
and local process will be saved.
:short.text=OPRCNTL dsp fail RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 request to display the session limits between 2
with the APPC return codes shown in RCPR (primary) and RCSC
(secondary) and SNS (sense). The partner's node name is
also displayed along with process name and number information
(if available, in &var1).
SYSTEM ACTION->Session termination-> termination continue.
Session start up-> session will not be establish.
RESPONSE->Session termination-> None.
Session start up-> Check status of remote C->D. Start
up remote C->D if necessary. If process is saved in
HOLD queue, release it to restart. :
:short.text=OPRCNTL DEFINE failed. R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 request to define the VTAM APPL session limits
by VTAM with the return codes display in R15 and R0.
The partner's node name is also displayed along with the
process name and number (if available) in &var1
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal processing continues, but it may cause
subsquent session startup failure.
:short.text=OPRCNTL DEFINE failed RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs &sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM LU 6.2 request to define the VTAM APPL session limits
APPC return codes shown in RCPR (primary) and RCSC (secondary)
and &sns (sense). The other node's name is also displayed
as well as the process name and number, if available (in &var1)
SYSTEM ACTION->Normal processing continues, but it may cause
subsquent session startup failure.
RESPONSE->Report to system personel.
:short.text=Failed to receive sense code. &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=After an exception response was detected on an LU 6.2 session,
the sense code was not received (C->D protocol violation).
&node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode is the
name of the partner's node. &var1 contains process
information if it is available.
SYSTEM ACTION->The LU 6.2 session will be terminated. If a
local process is executing on the session, it
will be saved.
RESPONSE->If the remote node is a C->D, gather all job output
including logs and sysout, and report to Sterling Commerce
support. C->D and VTAM traces may be requested. :
:short.text=LU 6.2 session is terminated by a force flush request.:
:long.text=The LU 6.2 session is terminate by a force flush/suspend
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is lost. If it was caused by a force
suspend request, the local process that is
executing on this session will be save in
the HOLD queue.
:short.text=LU 6.2 send/receive request on session already lost.:
:long.text=A LU 6.2 send or receive request was issued on a session that
was already lost.
SYSTEM ACTION->VTAM session failure logic initiated and the
process (if there is one) will be saved.
RESPONSE->Check the status of the session and the remote C->D.
Start up the remote C->D if possible. If the local
process is in the TIMER queue it will restart. If
it is in the HOLD queue release it to restart.
:short.text=Deallocation not received after FMH-75. &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=During session termination, an LU 6.2 conversation deallocation
was not received from the remote C->D.
&node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode is the
name of the partner's node. &var1 contains process
information if it is available.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session was rejected and session termination
logic continues.
RESPONSE->This is a protocol violation. It may not effect
processing. If it does, gather all C->D output (logs and SYSOUT
data) and contact Sterling Commerce support. You may be
requested to recreate (if possible) with C->D traces running.
:short.text=WARNING! AUTOSES in appl definition too small:
:long.text=The AUTOSES parameter for the VTAM APPL definition is smaller
than the MAX SESSION parameter for this ADJACENT NODE in the
NETMAP. The number of session to this node will be limited by
this AUTOSES parameter.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session start up continues.
RESPONSE->If more session is desired. Stop C->D. Redefine the
And restart C->D.
:short.text=RU length exceeds max &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The length of combined chained data exceeds the rusize
agreed upon during session establishment. The length
contained in the C->D Request Header exceeds the session
rusize. The partner node name is displayed. If the
process name and number is available, it is displayed in
SYSTEM ACTION->C->D processing continues but the process is
RESPONSE->Contact Sterling Commerce, Inc. A session manager
trace would be helpful.
:short.text=RU length exceeds max:
:long.text=The length of a single data element exceeds the rusize
agreed upon during session establishment. The length
contained in the C->D Request Header for a single data
element exceeds the session rusize.
SYSTEM ACTION->C->D processing continues but the process is
RESPONSE->Contact Sterling Commerce, Inc. A session manager
trace would be helpful.
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &NODE=&SNODE:
:long.text=The initial CONNECT for a NETEX session has completed with a
non-zero NRBSTAT.
The text accompanying this MSGID contains the NRBSTAT error
code. &node and &snode identify the other node. &class is the
session class being used.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->C->D may not be running on destination node or NETEX
may not be running on either node.
Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &NODE=&SNODE:
:long.text=The initial READ for CONFIRM data had a non-zero RC.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node and &snode identify the other node. &class is the
session class being used.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &NODE=&SNODE:
:long.text=The CONNECT for the 2nd session (ex.resp) failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node and &snode identify the other node. &class is the
session class being used.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &NODE=&SNODE:
:long.text=The READ for CONFIRM data of the 2nd session (ex.resp) failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node and &snode identify the other node. &class is the
session class being used.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &NODE=&SNODE:
:long.text=The SREAD for the 2nd session (ex.resp) failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node and &snode identify the other node. &class is the
session class being used.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=DMG62FH unable to open netmap. &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The attempt to open the Network Map failed.
&node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode is the
name of the partner's node. &var1 contains process
information if it is available.
SYSTEM ACTION->Process moved to HO WC queue. Other problems
may arise with the Network Map.
RESPONSE->It may be necessary to reload the Network Map.
Look in the ESTAE DD and in the system log for information
on VTAM errors encountered opening the Network Map. :
:short.text=WARNING Snode not defined as LU62. &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The submitting node is not defined as LU62 capable in the
corresponding adjacent node record of the snode's
netmap. &node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode is
the name of the partner's node. &var1 contains process
information if it is available.
SYSTEM ACTION->Process moved to HO WC queue.
RESPONSE->Define node as LU62 capable, reload or updated
Network Map, and release the process.
:short.text=CLOSE of Netmap failed. &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The CLOSE or ENDREQ call to DMVSAMFH to do logical close
processing of the network map failed.
&node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode is the name
of the partner's node. &var1 contains process
information if it is available.
SYSTEM ACTION->Process termination continues.
RESPONSE->This could indocate other Network map problems.
Gather the output in the ESTAE DD and the system log. Look
up any VSAM return/reason codes. Contact Sterling Commerce
support if unable to determine cause of CLOSE failure. :
:short.text=SESSION (&class) NOT ESTABLISHED WITH &node=&snode:
:long.text=The session could not be established with the remote
C->D with NODE NAME of &snode. Alternate communication
paths have been defined in the NETMAP for this adjacent
node and are being used to attempt a session with an
alternate address. Refer to RPLERRCK for more information
about this error. Also, an SB stat record type is generated
for this error and indicates the communication path used at
the time of the error.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None :
:long.text=The OFFER for the 1st session failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNETION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &NODE=&SNODE:
:long.text=The SCONFIRM for the 1st session failed with the NRBSTAT
that accompanies this message. This error code may be
looked up in the NETEX Software Reference manual.
&node is either PNODE or SNODE and &snode is the other
node's logical name. &class identifies the session class
the process is running in.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &node=&snode:
:long.text=The OFFER for the 2nd session failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual. &node describes the other node and is either
PNODE or SNODE. &snodeis the other node's logical name.
&class is the session class the process was using.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &node=&snode:
:long.text=The CONFIRM for the 2nd session failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node describes the other node and is either SNODE or PNDOE.
&snode is the other node's logical name. &class was the
session class (parsess) used for this process.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &node=&snode:
:long.text=The READ for first Exception Response at session Start failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node describes the other node and is either SNODE or PNDOE.
&snode is the other node's logical name. &class was the
session class (parsess) used for this process.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &node=&snode:
:long.text=The OFFER for the 2nd session failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node is either PNDOE or SNODE
&snode is the other node's name
&class is the session class (parsess)
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=SREAD (&class) of SCLOSE of 1st sess rc=&nrbstc &node=&snode:
:long.text=The SREAD done to confirm the first session failed.
The Netex NRBSTAT is displayed as well as the other node
(&snode) and the session class (&class)
The nrstat code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is disconnected
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) 2ND OFFER FAILED RC=&nrbstc &NODE=&SNODE:
:long.text=The OFFER for the 2nd session failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
The other node name (&snode) is displayed as well as the
session class (&class)
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &node=&snode:
:long.text=The SCONFIRM for the 1st session failed.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node describes the other node and is either SNODE or PNDOE.
&snode is the other node's logical name. &class was the
session class (parsess) used for this process.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:long.text=Using Netex callback processing wtih C->D for Tandem, an
error occurred in that the data expected was not callback
data (was not CALLBACK or FAIL).
&node describes the other node and is either SNODE or PNDOE.
&snode is the other node's logical name. &class was the
session class (parsess) used for this process.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Run session traces and save the output. Call
support with the log and traces from both the
pnode and the snode. :
:long.text=Using Netex callback processing wtih C->D for Tandem, the
Tandem node rejected the session. This can occur if that node
cannot start any session managers.
&node describes the other node and is either SNODE or PNDOE.
&snode is the other node's logical name. &class was the
session class (parsess) used for this process.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Check the other node to see if max sessions is
reached. If problem is not obvious, gather session
traces and logs on both nodes and call support :
:short.text=NETEX (&class) CONNECTION FAILED RC=&nrbstc &node=&snode:
:long.text=Netex IO completed with an error in a general IO wait routine.
The text accompanying this MSGID indicates the NRBSTAT RC.
This error code may be looked up in the NETEX Software
Reference Manual.
&node describes the other node and is either SNODE or PNDOE.
&snode is the other node's logical name. &class was the
session class (parsess) used for this process.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session retry is attempted.
RESPONSE->Common NRBSTAT codes may be looked up in the NETEX
:long.text=The OPEN for the Connect->Direct network map failed while
completing the session established phase of verifying the LU.
&snode identifies the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Determine cause of OPEN failure. Look in the
ESTAE DD output for assistance :
:long.text=In trying to complete session establishment, an OPNDST
ACQUIRE was done for each LU in the LU pool and none were
NOTE-> This message may also be issued from module
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Determine if an LU was available. :
:short.text=PNODE=SNODE transfers disabled. Session not established.:
:long.text=PNODE=SNODE processing was disabled (probably during
initialization) because the ADJACENT.NODE record in the
network map whose name matches that of the LOCAL.NODE is
using the same APPLID as the LOCAL.NODE. The APPLID
must be unique for PNODE=SNODE processing.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->If PNODE=SNODE processing is desired, stop C->D,
reload your network map making sure that the APPLID for
PNODE=SNODE processing is a unique APPLID and that it is
varied active through VTAM. :
:short.text=Netmap CLOSE failed for LU pool scan. SNODE=&snode:
:long.text=The CLOSE for the Connect->Direct network map failed while
completing the session established phase of verifying the LU.
&snode identifies the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Determine cause of CLOSE failure. The ESTAE DD
output may provide some assistance :
:long.text=After reading the Connect->Direct network map to verify the
LU pooi names, none were found in the network map entry.
&snode identifies the other node.
NOTE-> This message may also be issued from program
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Review network map definitions and correct.
:short.text=Netmap CLOSE failed for LU pool scan. SNODE=&snode:
:long.text=The CLOSE for the Connect->Direct network map failed while
completing the session established phase of verifying the LU.
&snode identifies the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Determine cause of CLOSE failure. The ESTAE DD
output may provide some assistance as well as the system log :
:short.text=Session not established with &snode; Node is quiesced.:
:long.text=Node &snode attempted to start a session, but that node
is quiesced. &snode, in this case shows the "other node"
who is really the pnode. We are the snode.
System Action-> None. The process may go to the timer
queue on the other node and attempt to restart. It will
not start on this node until a Resume command for the other
node is issued (Admin;MD;Resume)
Response-> None. This is informational only to advise that the
other node attempted to start a session. Resume that other
node when ready to reestablish communications. :
:short.text=Netmap OPEN failed for LU pool scan. SNODE=&snode:
:long.text=The OPEN for the Connect->Direct network map failed while
completing the session established phase of verifying the LU.
&snode identifies the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Determine cause of OPEN failure. The ESTAE DD
output may provide some assistance as well as the system log :
:short.text=Netmap READ failed for LU pool scan. SNODE=&snode:
:long.text=The READ for the Connect->Direct network map failed while
completing the session established phase of verifying the LU.
&snode identifies the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Determine cause of READ failure. The ESTAE DD
output may provide some assistance as well as the system log :
:short.text=LOGON EXIT ERROR &var1:
:long.text=An RU size of zero was encountered after SIMLOGON
completed. A SIMLOGON should drive the vtam logon exit
where an RU size should be set.
The &var1 will identify either the snode name or the
LU name (LU name if LU pooling is used) if those fields
are available
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->This could indicate that the LOGMODE being used
was not assembled properly and that the RU size has not been
picked up. Check the RUsize, the LOGMODE generation and
other VTAM definitions for the LU or APPL involved. :
:short.text=SETSOCKOPT failed; RC=&RTNCD, REAS=&REAS:
:long.text=The node issued a BPX1OPT request to set the TCPIP SND/RCV
buffer size. The request failed. The return code
and reason code for the failed request are shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->Default TCPIP SND/RCV buffer sizes of 16K
are taken.
RESPONSE->The buffer size request may be too large for
the stack to accommodate. Verify that the Netmap
Adjacent Node record has specified a valid SND/RCV
buffer override value. :
:short.text=GETSOCKOPT failed; RC=&RTNCD, REAS=&REAS:
:long.text=The node issued a BPX1OPT request to query the TCPIP SND/RCV
buffer size. The request failed. The return code
and reason code for the failed request are shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->Default TCPIP SND/RCV buffer sizes of 16K
may be taken, depending upon the nature of the error.
RESPONSE->If the cause of the error is not apparent,
contact Customer Support.
:short.text=SETSOCKOPT SND/RCV buffer size->&VALUE (hex):
:long.text=The node issued a BPX1OPT request to set the TCPIP SND/RCV
buffer size. The request failed because of TCPIP stack
limitations, or other reason. The SND/RCV buffer size
in effect instead is shown.
SYSTEM ACTION->Processing continues.
RESPONSE->The buffer size request may be too large for
the stack to accommodate. Verify that the Netmap
Adjacent Node record has specified a valid SND/RCV
buffer override value. :
:short.text=REQSEND failure R15->&r15 R0->&r0 &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The APPC REQSEND verb was issued in the course of processing
an lu 6.2 command channel session. It failed with the
return codes shown in R15 and R0. The other node's node
name is also displayed. If a process name and number are
available, they are shown in &var1
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Re-attempt the operation that was in progress at
the time of the failure. If the error persists, and there
is no system problem at your site, then contact product
support for assistance. :
:short.text=REQSEND failure RCPR->&rp RCSC->&rs SNS->&sns &node=&snode &var1:
:long.text=The APPC REQSEND verb was issued in the course of processing
an lu 6.2 command channel session. The send failed with
the return codes and sense codes shown in RCPR (primary),
RCSC (secondary) and SNS (sense). The partner's node name is
also displayed in the message. If a process name and number
is available, they are shown in &var1.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Re-attempt the operation that was in progress at
the time of the failure. If the error persists, and there
is no system problem at your site, then contact product
support for assistance. :
:short.text=Attempting to open VTAM ACB:
:long.text=The Connect->Direct VTAM ACB is closed or inactive and recovery
is being attempted.
SYSTEM ACTION->Connect->Direct continues to function without
SNA until the VTAM ACB is succefully opened.
RESPONSE->Determine why the VTAM APPLID is inactive and insure
the VTAM APPLID becomes active.
:short.text=VTAM ACB Successfully Opened:
:long.text=The Connect->Direct VTAM ACB has been succussfully opened. The
VTAM connection has been established and process recovery is
now possible.
SYSTEM ACTION->Connect->Direct processing continues
:short.text=VTAM ACB Open Failure:
:long.text=Connect->Direct was not able to successfully open the VTAM
ACB. One possible reason is the reply to message SVTJ009I
or SVTJ010I was CANCEL. For other possible errors, review
SYSTEM ACTION->Connect->Direct processing is terminated.
RESPONSE->Determine the cause of the failure and restart
:short.text=Session Retry exceeded for &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The number of session retries has been exceeded. The process
is being place in the HOLD queue.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is terminated and
placed in the HOLD queue.
RESPONSE->Determine the cause of the failure and restart
the Connect->Direct process.
:short.text=Process Retry exceeded for &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The number of process retries has been exceeded. If INIT
parameter is REQUEUE=YES, the process will be placed on
the HOLD queue. If INIT parameter is REQUEUE=NO
(default), the process will terminate or go to the next
step as explained in the Administration Guide.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is handled based on
REQUEUE parameter as described above.
RESPONSE->Determine the cause of the failure and restart
the Connect->Direct process. :
:short.text=RUNTASK exceeded FMH71 timeout retry limit - &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The RUNTASK has not completed within the specified
amount of time, TCP.RUNTASK.TIMER. The limit is two
attempts. The process is HELD and may be released.
The limit counter is reset.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is placed in the
HOLD queue as HO HE
:short.text=Process exceeded FMH timeout retry limit - &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The FMH RECEIVE did not complete within the specified
amount of time, TCP.FMH.TIMER. The limit is two attempts
The process is HELD and may be released. The limit
counter is reset.
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is placed in the
HOLD queue as HO HE
:long.text=While completing session establishment with the node
identified in the msg (&snode), the OPEN for the SCRIPT
file failed.
SYSTEM ACTION->Session is not established.
RESPONSE->Look at the ESTAE DD output and console WTOs
for help in resolving the cause of the OPEN failure.
:short.text=Error during VTAM or TCP/IP SEND of a request unit.:
:long.text=VTAM or TCP/IP has encountered an error while attempting to
service the asynchronous SEND of a request unit to the
Connect->Direct session partner.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=VTAM SEND or MACRO error.:
:long.text=Error on the SEND of a request unit to the SNA session
partner; either, 1) VTAM encountered an error while servicing
the synchronous request, or
2) an invalid SEND macro has been issued in
either synchronous or asychronous mode.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=VTAM LOSTERM exit has been driven:
:long.text=The VTAM LOSTERM exit, DMCONLSX, has been driven.
System Action-> The session is terminated
Response-> Restart the process. If problem persists, contact
your systems programmer.
:short.text=SND timed out for &lu TSK#=&tskno PNAME/NUM=&pname/&pnum:
:long.text=A VTAM SEND has been outstanding for more than the time
specified for CONNECT.WAIT or LU2.WAIT. It may be caused by
the PC on the other node being booted in the middle of a file
transfer. The LU name of the other node is shown in the
message along with the C->D internal task number, the process
name and number.
System Action-> The session is terminated
Response-> Restart the process if desired. Look in the RPLERRCK
DD for more information. If you suspect the connection is
hung, get CD and VTAM traces. You may need to increase your
init parm wait value if you suspect the connection is slow. :
:short.text=SND timed out for &lu TSK#=&tskno PNAME/NUM=&pname/&pnum &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM SEND has been outstanding for more than the time
specified for CONNECT.WAIT or LU2.WAIT. It may be caused by
the PC on the other node being booted in the middle of a file
transfer. The LU name of the other node is shown in the
message along with the C->D internal task number, the process
name and number and the number of restarts (represented by
&var1 in the message file short text).
System Action-> The session is terminated
Response-> Restart the process if desired. Look in the RPLERRCK
DD for more information. If you suspect the connection is
hung, get CD and VTAM traces. You may need to increase your
init parm wait value if you suspect the connection is slow. :
:short.text=FLUSH/SUSPEND process has been issued.:
:long.text=A break in communications has occurred due to the issuance
of a FLUSH or SUSPEND command on the executing process.
System Action-> The process is terminated.
Response-> None.
:short.text=SND timed out for &lu TSK#=&tskno:
:long.text=A VTAM SEND has been outstanding for more than the time
specified for CONNECT.WAIT or LU2.WAIT. It may be caused by
the PC on the other node being booted in the middle of a file
transfer. The LU name of the other node is shown in the
message along with the C->D internal task number.
System Action-> The session is terminated
Response-> Restart the process if desired. Look in the RPLERRCK
DD for more information. If you suspect the connection is
hung, get CD and VTAM traces. You may need to increase your
init parm wait value if you suspect the connection is slow. :
:short.text=NETEX disconnect - TATASKNO=&tskno:
:long.text=The NRB being processed for Netex communication has received
a Disconnect indication from Netex. The NRBSTAT field is
zero indicating no Netex error has occurred.
System Action-> This is an informational message. The session
is lost and the process will go through task termination.
Response-> None
:short.text=NETEX ERROR &nrbstat PNAME=&pname PNUM=&pnum TASKNO=&tskno:
:long.text=The NRB being processed for Netex communications has received
an NRBSTAT of non-zero. A Netex disconnect indicator may or
may not be set. The nrbstat, process name and number and CD
internal task number are shown in the message.
System Action-> The process will be terminiated. The Netex
session is lost and will be disconnected if it is not already
in a disconnected state.
Response-> Consult the Netex manuals to determine the Netex
error (NRBSTAT). If the process has not been requeued to the
timer queue, restart the process after determining the cause of
the Netex failure and taking proper action to correct it. :
:short.text=NETEX ERROR &nrbstat PNAME=&pname PNUM=&pnum TASKNO=&tskno:
:long.text=The NRB being processed for Netex communications has received
an NRBSTAT of non-zero. A Netex disconnect indicator may or
may not be set. The nrbstat and CD internal task number are
shown in the message.
System Action-> The process will be terminiated. The Netex
session is lost and will be disconnected if it is not already
in a disconnected state.
Response-> Consult the Netex manuals to determine the Netex
error (NRBSTAT). If the process has not been requeued to the
timer queue, restart the process after determining the cause of
the Netex failure and taking proper action to correct it. :
:short.text=TCP IOCTL request abended:
:long.text=The SDIP request for a IOCTL has abended.
System Action-> The TCP session is terminated. The process
will end with the abend code being the completion code.
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance.
:short.text=TCP RECEIVE request abended:
:long.text=The SDIP request for a RECEIVE has abended.
System Action-> The TCP session is terminated. The process
will end with the abend code being the completion code.
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance.
:short.text=TCP SEND request abended:
:long.text=The SDIP request for a SEND has abended.
System Action-> The TCP session is terminated. The process
will end with the abend code being the completion code.
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance.
:short.text=Error during VTAM RECEIVE of a request unit.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error while attempting to service the
asychronous RECEIVE of a request unit from the Connect->Direct
SNA session partner.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=VTAM RECEIVE or MACRO error.:
:long.text=Error on the RECEIVE of a request unit from the SNA
session partner; either,
1) VTAM encountered an error servicing the
synchronous request, or
2) an invalid RECEIVE MACRO was issued in
either synchronous or asychronous mode.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=VTAM LOSTERM exit driven.:
:long.text=The VTAM LOSTERM exit, DMCONLSX, has been driven.
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Restart the process. If problem persists, contact
Systems programmer.
:short.text=Exception response received.:
:long.text=An exception response was received after a RECEIVE.
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Restart the process. If problem persists, contact
Systems programmer.
:short.text=RCV timed out for &lu TSK#=&tskno PNAME/NUM=&pname/&pnum &var1:
:long.text=A VTAM RECEIVE has been outstanding for more than the time
specified for CONNECT.WAIT or LU2.WAIT. It may be caused by
the PC on the other node being booted in the middle of a file
transfer. The LU name of the other node is shown in the
message along with the C->D internal task number, the process
name and number and the number of restarts (represented by
&var1 in the message file short text).
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Restart the process if desired. Look in the RPLERRCK
DD for more information. If you suspect the connection is
hung, get CD and VTAM traces. You may need to increase your
init parm wait value if you suspect the connection is slow. :
:short.text=RCV timed out for &lu TASKNO=&tskno PNAME/NUM=&pname/&pnum:
:long.text=A VTAM RECEIVE has been outstanding for more than the time
specified for CONNECT.WAIT or LU2.WAIT. It may be caused by
the PC on the other node being booted in the middle of a file
transfer. The LU name of the other node is shown in the
message along with the C->D internal task number, the process
name and number.
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Restart the process if desired. Look in the RPLERRCK
DD for more information. If you suspect the connection is
hung, get CD and VTAM traces. You may need to increase your
init parm wait value if you suspect the connection is slow. :
:short.text=RCV timed out for &lu TASKNO=&tskno:
:long.text=A RECEIVE has been outstanding for more than the time
specified for CONNECT.WAIT or LU2.WAIT. It may be caused by
the PC on the other node being booted in the middle of a file
transfer. The name of the other node is shown in the
message along with the C->D internal task number.
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Restart the process if desired. Look in the RPLERRCK
DD for more information. If you suspect the connection is
hung, get traces. You may need to increase your
init parm wait value if you suspect the connection is slow. :
:short.text=NETEX ERROR &nrbstat PNAME=&pname PNUM=&pnum TASKNO=&tskno:
:long.text=The NRB being processed for Netex communications has received
an NRBSTAT of non-zero. A Netex disconnect indicator may or
may not be set. The nrbstat, process name and number and CD
internal task number are shown in the message.
System Action-> The process will be terminiated. The Netex
session is lost and will be disconnected if it is not already
in a disconnected state.
Response-> Consult the Netex manuals to determine the Netex
error indicated by NRBSTAT. Determine the cause of the Netex
failure and take proper action. If the process has not been
requeued, restart the process. :
:short.text=NETEX disconnect - TATASKNO=&tskno:
:long.text=The NRB being processed for Netex communications has received
a Disconnect indication from Netex. The NRBSTAT field is zero
indicating no Netex error has occurred. The Connect->Direct
system task number is given in the message.
System Action-> This is an informational message. The session
is lost and the process will go through task termination.
Response-> None.
:short.text=Invalid length of RU from LU_2.:
:long.text=The Request Unit (RU) received from the LU_2 was less than
seven bytes in length. The Control Character Set and the
Request Header were incomplete.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> Contact Systems programmer or
Sterling Commerce, Inc.
:short.text=NETEX ERROR &nrbstat TASKNO=&tskno:
:long.text=The NRB being processed for Netex communications has received
an NRBSTAT of non-zero. A Netex disconnect indicator may or
may not be set. The nrbstat and Connect->Direct internal
task number are shown in the message.
System Action-> The process will be terminiated. The Netex
session is lost and will be disconnected if it is not already
in a disconnected state.
Response-> Consult the Netex manuals to determine the Netex
error indicated by NRBSTAT. Determine the cause of the Netex
failure and take proper action. If the process has not been
requeued, restart the process. :
:short.text=Receive length is greater than RU size.:
:long.text=The data length in the RPL is greater than the RU size
being used. VTAM truncation has occurred.
System Action-> Processing continues but the process is
flagged in error and requeued.
Response-> Check the RU size from the partner node and
:short.text=TCP timeout has occurred:
:long.text=A RECEIVE has been outstanding for more than the time
specified for TCP.TIMER. It may be caused by any number
of network problems or due the remote being unexpectedly
terminated. To determine the cause, you will need to
see what happened at the remote.
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Since this is treated as a link failure, restart
should occur automatically. If it does not,
gather your logs and statistics then contact
Sterling Commerce Customer Support. :
:short.text=Unable to acquire storage for LU 2 buffer.:
:long.text=A buffer could not be obtained to process an LU 2 request.
An error occurred trying to obtain the storage needed for the
System Action-> The process will be terminated and the session
will be disconnected.
Response-> Increase the region size for Connect->Direct. If
problem persists, contact Sterling Commerce, Inc.
:short.text=RUNTASK Time Out Occurred - &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The RUNTASK did not complete within the specified
amount of time specified in TCP.RUNTASK.TIMER.
(This applies only to TCP connections).
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is placed in back
in the queue for RETRY.
:short.text=FMH Time Out Occurred - &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The FMH RECEIVE did not complete within the specified
amount of time specified in TCP.FMH.TIMER.
(This applies only to TCP connections).
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is placed in back
in the queue for RETRY.
:short.text=Invalid length of RU from 3270 PC.:
:long.text=The Request Unit (RU) received from the 3270 PC was less than
13 bytes in length. The Structured Field Set and the Request
Header were incomplete.
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Contact Systems programmer or
Sterling Commerce, Inc.
:short.text=Error during VTAM RECEIVE of a structured field request unit.:
:long.text=An exception error has been returned by the 3270 PC Control
Program / Structured Field session partner. A VTAM trace or
Connect->Direct RPL trace is necessary to further quality the
exception type. This message may also be issued from
module DMGSFSND.
System Action-> The session is terminated.
Response-> Contact Systems programmer or
Sterling Commerce, Inc.
:short.text=Error during RECEIVE of a request unit.:
:long.text=An error was encountered while attempting to service the
asynchronous RECEIVE of a request unit from the Connect->Direct
session partner.
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=TCP RECEIVE request abended:
:long.text=The SDIP request for a RECEIVE has abended.
System Action-> The TCP session is terminated. The process
will end with the abend code being the completion code.
RESPONSE->Save all output associated with the abend and
process in question. Contact your Connect->Direct
administrator for assistance.
:short.text=Session establishment terminated; node is quiesced:
:long.text=A node that is quiesced has attempted to start a session.
The session is rejected when the FMH68 is recieved. The
other node name is displayed in the SVTM055I and SVTM056I
messages that accompany this message.
System Action-> The session is terminated. The process
may try to restart on the other node (we are snode).
RESPONSE->This is informational. If you wish to reestablish
communications with the other node, a Resume command
by node name must be issued (ADMIN;MD;Resume).
:short.text=MARCO error on GENCB for the NIB.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error while servicing the GENCB request
issued to create the NIB (Node Initialization Block).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=MACRO error on GENCB for the RPL.:
:long.text=VTAM has encountered an error while servicing the GENCB request
issued to build a RPL (Request Parameter List).
System Action-> Normal processing continues.
Response-> None
:short.text=Send/Receive operation successful.:
:long.text=The sending or receiving of a Function Management
Header (FMH) completed successfully.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=0.
:short.text=Invalid operation specified.:
:long.text=VTOPER field values currently sypported are->
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=16.
:short.text=Exception Response was received while sending an FMH71.:
:long.text=The entire Command Control Block was sent to the Request Unit
Buffer and an Exception Response was received.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=4.
:short.text=Exception Response received while sending first portion of CCB.:
:long.text=The Command Control Block was split in normal processing. The
first portion of the CCB was sent to the Request Unit buffer
and an Exception Response was received.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=4.
:short.text=Exception Response received while sending middle part of CCB.:
:long.text=The Command Control Block was split in normal processing. An
Ecxeption Response was received after one of the middle parts
of the CCB was sent to the Request Unit.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=4.
:short.text=Exception Response received while sending last portion of CCB.:
:long.text=The Command Control Block was split in normal processing.
After the last portion of the CCB was sent an Exception
Response was received.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=4.
:short.text=Exception Response encountered during receive of FMH73.:
:long.text=While receiving the Function Management Header (FMH)
type 73,an Exception Response was received.This may be
a problem with the other C->D node or it could be a C->D
internal error.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=16.
RESPONSE->Retain a copy of other messages issued by C->D and
a copy of the Process being executed to assist in
problem determination. :
:short.text=Receive of FMH73 failed during processing.:
:long.text=While receiving a Function Management Header (FMH)
type 73, a non-zero Return Code was returned.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
RESPONSE->Retain a copy of other messages issued by C->D and
a copy of the Process being executed to assist in
problem determination. :
:short.text=Encountered Cancel during receive of FMH73.:
:long.text=While receiving a Function Management Header (FMH)
type 73, a Cancel was encountered, and the FMH73
was not received.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=FMH received not type 73.:
:long.text=The Function Management Header type was not 73.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Command Control Block not present with FMH71.:
:long.text=The Command Code in the FMH71 received does not show a Command
Control Block is present in the Request Unit.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Encountered Cancel during receive of CCB with FMH71.:
:long.text=While receiving a Command Control Block with the Function
Management Header type 71, a Cancel was received.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=4.
:short.text=Encountered Exception Response during receive of CCB in FMH71.:
:long.text=While receiving the Command COntrol Block of the Function
Management Header type 71, an Exception Response was received.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=16.
:short.text=Command Control Block Receive failed during processing.:
:long.text=While receiving the Command Control Block of the Function
Management Header type 71, an non-zero VTAM Return Code
was received.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Invalid length in FMH71:
:long.text=After receiving and FMH71, the length of the FMH71 has
changed to be larger. This is invalid on the snode.
SYSTEM ACTION->Process ends with RC=8
RESPONSE->Check the ESTAE DD output for pertinent information
on the FMH71 CCB just received and the one sent previously.
The other node is sending an invalid FMH71. Contact customer
support for that node to determine any additional information
to gather.
:short.text=Receive of RU failed during processing.:
:long.text=A non-zero Return Code was received while receiving
Request Units (RUs).
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Send of definite response failed during processing.:
:long.text=A non-zero Return Code was received while sending a
Definite Response.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Send of Exception Response failed during processing.:
:long.text=A non-zero Return Code was received while sending an
Exception Response.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Send of Cancel failed during processing.:
:long.text=A non-zero Return Code was received while sending a
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Exception response received to FMH73 send.:
:long.text=While sending an FMH73 and exception response was received
from the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Exception response received during FMH71 receive.:
:long.text=C->D was expecting to receive and FMH71, an exception
response was received instead.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=An attempt to receive an FMH71 failed.:
:long.text=C->D was attempting to receive an FMH71 and the receive
request failed.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
RESPONSE->Check for any error messages on the other node.
Examine the RPLERRCK output. This error may be
caused by a line failure or an abend of some type.
If the problem cannot be determined, report the
problem to your C->D Administrator or gather the
above information and contact the Sterling Commerce
Support line for assistance. :
:short.text=A cancel was received during FMH71 receive.:
:long.text=C->D was attempting to receive an FMH71 and a cancel was
received instead. The problem may be with the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Something other than an FMH71 was received.:
:long.text=C->D was attempting to receive an FMH71 and something else
was received. The problem may be with the other node.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Exception response received to FMH80 send.:
:long.text=An exception response was received from the partner C->D
in response to sending checkpoint positioning information
contained in an FMH80.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
:short.text=Encountered dataset name change in FMH71 exchange.:
:long.text=The source dataset name in the FMH71 exchange
has changed.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
RESPONSE->Check to see if file name changed from lower
case to upper case or the reverse and correct
if so. z/OS file names should always be
upper case unless HFS. :
:short.text=RUNTASK Time Out Occurred - &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The RUNTASK did not complete within the specified
amount of time specified in TCP.RUNTASK.TIMER.
(This applies only to TCP connections).
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is placed in back
in the queue for RETRY.
:short.text=FMH Time Out Occurred - &pname &pnum:
:long.text=The FMH RECEIVE did not complete within the specified
amount of time specified in TCP.FMH.TIMER.
(This applies only to TCP connections).
SYSTEM ACTION->The Connect->Direct process is placed in back
in the queue for RETRY.
:short.text=Connect->Direct License violation attempted:
:long.text=One of the two nodes for which a session was being established
was determined to be an invalid copy of the C->D product.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=The Network Map Data Set could not be opened:
:long.text=The Connect->Direct Network Map Data Set could not be opened
for remote session verification.
SYSTEM ACTION->Return to invoker with RC=8.
RESPONSE->Contact support personel for Connect->Direct.
:short.text=Connect->Direct License violation attempted:
:long.text=One of the two nodes for which a session was being established
was determined to be an invalid copy of the C->D product.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=Connect->Direct License violation attempted:
:long.text=One of the two nodes for which a session was being established
was determined to be an invalid copy of the C->D product.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=Connect->Direct License violation attempted:
:long.text=One of the two nodes for which a session was being established
was determined to be an invalid copy of the C->D product.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=Connect->Direct License violation attempted:
:long.text=One of the two nodes for which a session was being established
was determined to be an invalid copy of the C->D product.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=Product type not licensed for this C->D:
:long.text=An attempt was made to establish a session with an C->D that
this C->D is not licensed to contact.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=ADJACENT.NODE record not found in the NETMAP:
:long.text=An ADJACENT.NODE record was not found in the Connect->Direct
Network Map dataset for the node with thich a session is being
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated unless NETMAP.CHECK
is specified in the INIT parms with the WARN parameter.
RESPONSE->Define an Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map for
the node.
:short.text=Connect->Direct License violation attempted:
:long.text=One of the two nodes for which a session was being established
was determined to be an invalid copy of the C->D product.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=Connect->Direct License violation attempted:
:long.text=One of the two nodes for which a session was being established
was determined to be an invalid copy of the C->D product.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=Connect->Direct not licensed for other prod:
:long.text=An attempt was made to establish a session with an C->D that
this C->D is not licensed to contact.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=Connect->Direct not licensed for other prod:
:long.text=An attempt was made to establish a session with an C->D that
this C->D is not licensed to contact.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Report the problem to the appropriate personnel.
:short.text=LUNAME does not match name of node in NETMAP:
:long.text=The luname or the remote node does not match the luname
that is associated with the symbolic node name in the
C->D Network Map file.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated unless NETMAP.CHECK
is specified in the INIT parms with the WARN parameter.
RESPONSE->The Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map must be
updated to reflect the proper luname, OR the remote
node should call in with correct luname. :
:short.text=LUNAME not found in LU POOL for ADJ.NODE:
:long.text=The luname for the node is not found in the Pnode.Lus
parameter of the Network Map. Update the Netmap with
the correct Luname.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated unless NETMAP.CHECK
is specified in the INIT parms with the WARN parameter.
RESPONSE->The Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map must be
updated to reflect the proper luname, OR the remote
node should call in with correct luname. :
:short.text=NETID does not match name for node in NETMAP:
:long.text=The NETWORK ID of the remote node does not match the
NETID parameter coded in the network map for that node.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated unless NETMAP.CHECK
is specified in the INIT parms with the WARN parameter.
RESPONSE->The Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map must be
updated to reflect the proper NETID, or the remote
node's NETID should be corrected. This error can
occur if a process is submitted on the local node
OR on the adjacent node. :
:short.text=Remote TCP/IP Node not defined in NETMAP:
:long.text=An Adjacent.Node record was not found in the Connect->Direct
Network Map Dataset for the NODE with which a session is being
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated.
RESPONSE->Define an Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map for
the node.
:short.text=TCP/IP addr does not match addr in NETMAP:
:long.text=The TCP/IP addr for the node does not match the TCP/IP addr
specified in the Network Map. Update the Netmap with the
correct TCP/IP addr.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated unless NETMAP.CHECK
is specified in the INIT parms with the WARN parameter.
RESPONSE->The Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map must be
updated to reflect the proper TCP/IP addr of the
remote node. :
:short.text=Session is TCP, but NETMAP entry not TCP:
:long.text=The session type for this session is TCP/IP, but the
NETWORK MAP entry does not specify TCP. Update the
NETWORK MAP with the correct session type.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated unless NETMAP.CHECK
is specified in the INIT parms with the WARN parameter.
RESPONSE->The Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map must be
updated to reflect the proper session type of the
remote node. :
:short.text=Invalid TCP/IP address field from NETMAP:
:long.text=The TCP/IP address field used for NETMAPCHECK processing
is not a valid TCP/IP dotted decimal address. Use of the
NETMAPCHECK processing feature for TCP requires the Netmap
Adjacent.Node entry to be defined with a valid TCP/IP numeric
dotted decimal address.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated with SVTR020I
RESPONSE->The Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map must be
updated to reflect the dotted decimal TCP/IP addr-
ess of the remote node if using NETMAPCHECK for TCP. :
:short.text=ALTernate.COMMinfo NETMAP checking has failed.:
:long.text=The NETMAP entry for the remote NODE name contains the
ALT.COMM keyword which allows NETMAP checking to be
performed using multiple addresses. However, none of the
alternate entries match the communications address used by
the remote node.
SYSTEM ACTION->The session is terminated with SVTR021I
RESPONSE->The Adjacent.Node entry in the Network Map must be
updated to reflect the communications address used
by the remote node if using NETMAP checking. :
:short.text=Unable to generate error message:
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